General Information

Categories of Participation

All registration fees include all instruction, materials, two meals, and morning/afternoon breaks
(see below).

(1) Conductor $360.00

The limited number of Conductor positions will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis beginning December 2. You are encouraged to apply early! Conductors will actively engage in all aspects of the symposium, including conducting sessions with chamber and large ensembles. Conductor positions are designed for individuals with a minimum of a completed bachelor’s degree in music and at least one year of experience in a teaching position or graduate conducting study.

(2) Observer $110.00

Observers will engage in every session and discussion of the symposium, except for podium time experiences. 

(3) Performer Participant $80.00
Performer Participant status includes playing your instrument in the two large ensemble playing sessions.

NOTE: Current students receive $50.00 off the cost of the registration as a Conductor. Be prepared to show ID at registration.

Current University of Illinois Students—no charge for Observer registration

University of Illinois students wishing to observe must pre-register in person in the UI Bands office and present a current student ID to office staff. Students must be prepared to play in the symposium ensemble as requested.  


Lunch and morning/afternoon breaks will be provided on Friday and Saturday for all paying participants.

Professional Development Hours Available
Illinois teachers can receive Professional Development Hours for participating in the Illinois Band Conductors Symposium. If you are an out-of-state teacher, the University can prepare a general University CEU to mirror the in-state ISBE PDH option. You must let us know when you register if you want to pursue one of these options.

Site Information
The sessions will be held on Friday and Saturday at the historic Harding Band Building, 1103 South Sixth Street, Champaign, Illinois.

Parking: On Friday, metered parking is available on the streets around Harding, and in the Graduate Library parking lot across the street from Harding (entrance to lot on Sixth Street between Armory and Gregory). You can choose to "plug" the meter ($1.25/hour, quarters, dimes, nickles) but be aware that not all meters accept coin payment. You can also use the Mobile Meter payment service. Downloading the app and setting up an account can take a few minutes, so you may prefer to do so prior to your arrival. On Saturday, metered street parking is free. Also on Saturday (only), all spaces in the Harding Band Building parking lot (immediately south of the building) are open EXCEPT for the three rental spots indicated with the blue signs.

UIUC Parking Meters - Parking Services

Campus Map