Donations Help Illinois Bands in so Many Ways, Here are a Few!

How Your Donations Have Helped Illinois Bands!


The Ronald and Paula Filler Instructional Tower

On September 9th, Illinois Bands held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ronald and Paula Filler Instructional Tower, which will be installed at the Marching Illini's practice field at First and Gregory. The Filler's gift has allowed construction to move forward, with the tower being erected by the end of the marching season.

The tower has been assembled and is standing over the MI practice field at First and Gregory. A coat of paint will go on in the spring to have a pronounced "Block I" rising above the trees.


Pictures from the Groundbreaking Ceremony

Lighting, Lockers, and Entrances

The Harding Band Building has been slowly receiving updates in the past few years to increase the open and welcoming profile of the building. The old lighting on both floors has been replaced with new, bright fluorescent lights. The metal lockers have been repainted Illinois blue and a Bands seal has been affixed to each one. The entryways have new directional signs, the doors have been repainted, and the name of Illinois Bands now welcomes everyone as they enter.

Instrument PUrchases

The concert bands were able to purchase two new Bach Stradivarius C Trumpets for use in the concert band program, and a beautfiul Buffet alto clarinet to enhance our collection.

Technology and access

Through donor assistance, we have been able to develop a new website for Illinois Bands, start live streaming all of our concerts, and start an Illinois Bands podcast called "One More Time."


Donors have provided travel assistance to the ensembles as they travel across the country to act as musical ambassadors for the University of Illinois. Donors helped provide a great experience for the members of the Marching Illini when they traveled to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 2015. The Sesquicentennial "Gathering" Concerts in Chicago and New York City would not be possible without the generous support of our donors.